
Ms Beata Awinpoka Akanyani

Chairperson, CONIWAS

We aim to unite our collective efforts, harness the power of collaboration, and find lasting solutions to the most pressing issues in water and sanitation.

10.30 - 11.00 AM

Day - 1 31 Oct

Welcome Address

We aim to unite our collective efforts, harness the power of collaboration, and find lasting solutions to the most pressing issues in water and sanitation. Our coalition has been working tirelessly to bring attention to critical issues in the water, sanitation, and hygiene sector in Ghana and beyond. Our mission is to "work with citizens and relevant stakeholders to influence policies, remove barriers and promote access to safe water, improved sanitation, hygiene and livelihoods, especially for the poor and vulnerable." Over the last three decades, CONIWAS members have made tremendous contributions to WASH delivery, innovations, research, advocacy, monitoring, evaluation, and learning resulting in safe WASH delivery.

Welcome Address by the Chairperson of CONIWAS